(c) 2004-11 InfMathPhys



R.U.GAY, 21.10.2004 11:10 MEZ

An alljene, die nach ewigen Stunden über dem mächtigen MATLAB nicht einmal mehr wissen, warum sie das tun, was sie tun. Oder die wissen wollen, warum es nicht funktioniert.


Erwartet die Antworten!

3 Kommentare (< 7426 T)

necropedophil, 21.10.2004 13:21 MEZ

>> why
Why not?

mage, 21.10.2004 12:11 MEZ

Und wer gedacht hat, das wär schon das Wildeste:

A good and smart and not very rich and rich and young and not very young and bald and not excessively rich and tall and tall and not excessively tall and smart and rich and smart and not excessively terrified and rich and good and not very bald and not very terrified very smart not very rich system manager told me to.

mage, 21.10.2004 12:10 MEZ

Some not excessively rich young and smart hamster obeyed some rich and not very good and good and bald kid.


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