(c) 2004-11 InfMathPhys



Saved by the Cell
sym, 6.10.2004 13:55 MEZ

Where will you be when the next weather emergency hits your area? Or when the next terrorist attack occurs?

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) wants to get emergency alerts to people wherever they are.
Starting October 1, the organization is leading a six-month pilot program to upgrade the existing Emergency Alert System to include the capability to dispatch these types of alerts to cell phones, pagers, and network-enabled PDAs carried by people within the affected area. If a tornado was spotted in your county, for example, you’d get a text message emergency alert on your cell phone. Getting the standards-splintered cell phone industry to agree on a single approach, however, may prove difficult ...


1 Kommentar (< 7306 T)

mage, 6.10.2004 17:38 MEZ

Dudeldidum - neues SMS...
"Treten sie einen Schritt zur Seite, ein entführtes Flugzeug wurde eben in diesem Moment von der Flugabwehr abgeschossen."

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